Home Hyderabad SCR to Operate Special Trains for Sabarimala Pilgrims

SCR to Operate Special Trains for Sabarimala Pilgrims

SCR to Operate Special Trains for Sabarimala Pilgrims

The South Central Railway has decided to run special trains to help manage the extra rush of Sabarimala pilgrims. These special trains will run between Moula Ali and Kollam.

Train number 07143 will depart from Moula Ali at 11:30 am and will reach Kollam by 7 pm the next day. The trains will run on December 6, 13, 20, and 27.

In the return direction, train number 07143 will leave Kollam at 2:30 am and arrive at Moula Ali by 10 pm the following day. The return trips will be on December 8, 15, 22, and 29.

These special trains will stop at several stations including Cherlapalli, Bhongir, Jangaon, Kazipet, Warangal, Mahbubabad, Dornakal, Khammam, Vijayawada, and many others, in both directions.



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