Chief Minister Revanth Reddy officially opened the 4th edition of the Intercontinental Cup 2024 football tournament. This prestigious event features teams from three countries—India, Mauritius, and Syria. The tournament is taking place at the Gachibowli Stadium in Hyderabad. The Chief Minister was present at the opening ceremony during the first match between India and Mauritius.
The Chief Minister expressed his happiness over the decision by the All India Football Federation to host the tournament in Hyderabad. He warmly welcomed the players on behalf of the sports enthusiasts in Telangana, particularly the football fans in Hyderabad. The Chief Minister also emphasized his government’s dedication to turning Hyderabad into the sports capital of the country. After the inauguration, he wished all the teams the best of luck in the tournament.
The tournament will follow a round-robin format, with three matches scheduled between the teams. The first match between Mauritius and Syria is set for September 6, and the India vs. Syria match will take place on September 9. Several dignitaries attended the opening ceremony, including Minister Ponnam Prabhakar, Sports Advisor A.P. Jitender Reddy, All India Football Federation President Kalyan Chaubey, and Telangana Sports Authority Chairman Shivasena Reddy, along with other public representatives and officials.