Nagar Kurnool: A new police hospital unit has been inaugurated in Nagarkurnool district. The event took place at the Old Police Headquarters, and it was led by MLA Kuchukulla Rajesh Reddy. He was joined by Collector Badavath Santosh and SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath.
MLA Rajesh Reddy shared that the hospital was established through the special efforts of SP Gaikwad. He encouraged all police personnel and their families in the district to take advantage of the free medical services provided by the hospital.
This new facility is expected to benefit around one thousand police officers and their families in Nagarkurnool district. The hospital will offer free medical care to all eligible officers.
Several officials attended the event, including DMHO Swarajyalakshmi, AR Additional SP T.A. Bharat, DCRB DSP Satyanarayana, Nagarkurnool DSP Burri Srinivas, Achampet DSP Srinivas, Kalwakurthy DSP Venkateshwarlu, and Nagarkurnool CI Kanakaiah. Doctors Manasa and Neeraj Kumar were also present, along with other sub-inspectors and police personnel.