Khammam: Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu has instructed special officers of the Dalit Bandhu scheme to visit all villages and identify the beneficiaries. They are to collect detailed information about those who have benefited from the scheme.
During a meeting to review the implementation of the Dalit Bandhu scheme at Chintakani mandal headquarters in the Madhira constituency of Khammam district on Saturday, Bhatti emphasized that any misuse of the scheme would not be tolerated.
He asked the special officers to check if the assets given under the scheme are still with the beneficiaries or if they have been transferred to others.
“It should be found out if the assets were sold or transferred to others. All these issues should be identified in a week and the assets should be restored to the original beneficiaries in a week,” Bhatti said.
Bhatti informed that Chinthakani mandal was chosen for a focused implementation of the Dalit Bandhu scheme. Additionally, another 100 beneficiaries were selected in the Madhira constituency. He directed that their details should also be gathered within a week. The reasons for the death of sheep and goats provided under the scheme must also be investigated.
“The officers should continuously provide feedback to District Collectors on how beneficiaries are using the assets given to them. The Dalit Bandhu beneficiaries should not sell or transfer these assets to others. It is the responsibility of the officers to ensure that beneficiaries use the assets to support their livelihood under the scheme,” Bhatti stated.