Hyderabad: The CID is investigating a GST fraud case involving nearly Rs 1,400 crore. They have booked former chief secretary Somesh Kumar and four others. Somesh Kumar is expected to be summoned in the next two or three days.
The CID has gathered information from several firms that allegedly received large tax benefits through Input Credit Tax between 2020 and 2022. They have also reviewed a report submitted by former Commercial Taxes Commissioner TK Sridevi.
Officials stated that the CID has collected enough evidence to question the former chief secretary and three other officials. Cases have been filed against Additional Commissioner SV Kasi Visweswara Rao, Deputy Commissioner A Siva Rama Prasad of the Commercial Taxes wing, and Sobhan Babu, an Assistant Professor at IIT-Hyderabad.
Additionally, cases were also booked against Plianto Technologies, a technology partner of the Commercial Taxes department. The CID has requested further information from the Commercial Taxes department and the GST Commissionerate in Hyderabad to verify the evidence and proceed with actions against the accused in the GST scam.