Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appeared before the CBI on Sunday for questioning regarding the excise policy case. Meanwhile, Law Minister Kiren Rijiju accused the Aam Aadmi Party of using activist Anna Hazare to capture power in the name of corruption. Rijiju shared portions of an undated interview where Hazare criticized the Delhi excise policy. Top AAP leaders gathered near the CBI headquarters to protest and raise slogans against the prime minister. Several AAP leaders and Punjab ministers were allegedly stopped from entering Delhi.
The CBI may ask Kejriwal about the policy formulation process, specifically the “untraceable” file which was not put before the Council of Ministers. The agency may also question Kejriwal on the statements of other accused and his knowledge about the alleged influence cast by traders and South lobby members. The Delhi government’s excise policy for 2021-22 was accused of favoring certain dealers who allegedly paid bribes for it, a charge which AAP denies.