A tragic incident occurred in Gajularamaram, Hyderabad, when a security guard named Basha Gopi was hit by a speeding car. He was walking home after finishing his shift when the accident happened.
Eyewitnesses reported that a motorcycle, trying to avoid the car, narrowly missed crashing. Unfortunately, Basha Gopi was not as fortunate and was struck forcefully by the vehicle. He fell to the ground and sadly died from his injuries at the scene.
People who saw the accident said that the car’s occupants seemed unconcerned after the crash. They were seen talking on their phones as they got out of the car and then fled the scene. However, local residents managed to catch the driver, who was later arrested by the police.
The police arrived quickly and started investigating the incident. While they have the driver in custody, five others who were in the car managed to escape. The police are conducting search operations to find these missing individuals.