Hyderabad: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) in the Secunderabad division has reported that they have rescued 247 children under Operation Nanhe Farishte as of September 2024.
Operation Nanhe Farishte was launched by the Railway Board with the main goal of finding, rescuing, and helping children who are in difficult situations within the railway network. In 2024, the RPF Secunderabad division managed to rescue 247 children, including 173 boys and 74 girls. All of these children were handed over to child line authorities for further care and protection.
In the previous year, 2023, the same division rescued 354 children, including 277 boys and 77 girls. These children were also handed over to child line authorities to ensure their safety and well-being.
A senior RPF officer highlighted the significance of Operation Nanhe Farishte, stating that it shows the RPF Secunderabad Division’s strong commitment to child safety and protection. The officer emphasized that the operation plays a crucial role in the railway system by rescuing and rehabilitating missing and runaway children.