South Central Railway (SCR) will run special trains from Hyderabad to Bhagat Ki Kothi to accommodate the extra rush of passengers. The train, numbered 07021, will depart from Hyderabad at 9:05 pm and arrive at Bhagat Ki Kothi at 8 am on November 22. The train will make stops at various stations along the way, including Secunderabad, Medchal, Wadiaram, Kamareddy, Nizamabad, Basara, Mudkhed, Nanded, Purna, Basmat, Hingoli, Washim, Akola, Shegaon, Malkapur, Bhusaval, Jalgaon Junction, Nandurbar, Surat, Vadodara Junction, Geratpur, Ahmedabad, Mahesana Junction, Palanpurjunction, Abu Road, Pindwara, Falna, Marwar Junction, Palimarwar, and Luni Junction. The train will have AC III Tier, Sleeper Class, and General Second Class coaches.
Special one-way trains to be operated by SCR
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