Alampur Agriculture Market Leaders Meet Marketing Director in Hyderabad
The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Alampur Agriculture Market Committee visited the Marketing Director, Ms. Lakshmi Bai, at the State Marketing Office in Hyderabad today. The purpose of the meeting was to request support for the development of the Alampur Agricultural Market.
During the visit, Ms. Lakshmi Bai assured the officials that she would fully cooperate in improving the market. The leaders also brought attention to the challenges faced by farmers in Aiza Mandal, an area known for producing high crop yields in the district.
Chairman Doddappa explained the need for a fully developed market in the Aiza Sub Market Yard. Ms. Lakshmi Bai responded positively, promising support to establish a new, fully operational market in the area.
Both the Chairman, Doddappa, and Vice Chairman, Pacharla Kumar, expressed their gratitude for her encouragement and assistance.