Hyderabad: The BRS (Bharat Rashtra Samithi) leaders have filed a complaint against Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy at the Panjagutta Police Station in Hyderabad. This complaint was lodged on Tuesday by the BRS leaders, who are accusing the Chief Minister of using abusive, false, and defamatory language against their party chief, K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR).
A group of BRS leaders, led by MLA M Gopal, personally handed over the complaint letter to the Station House Officer at Panjagutta Police Station. According to the BRS leaders, Revanth Reddy made inappropriate remarks during the Rajiv Gandhi birth anniversary celebrations. They expressed their concern that such behavior is unbecoming of someone who holds the high office of Chief Minister.
The BRS leaders further alleged that despite the presence of school children and other important dignitaries at the event, Revanth Reddy made baseless accusations and derogatory comments. Specifically, they mentioned his statement about erecting a statue of KCR while he is still alive, which they found to be deeply disrespectful.
The language used by Revanth Reddy was described as foul and provocative, with the intention of inciting hostility and unrest, according to the BRS leaders. They also claimed that his behavior during the event was disrespectful to Rajiv Gandhi himself. The complaint suggests that Revanth Reddy’s actions may constitute serious offenses under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including Section 153A, Section 294, Section 500, and Section 504.