Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy recently held a meeting to review the progress of the Regional Ring Road (RRR) project. The meeting took place at the state Secretariat, where the CM focused on speeding up land acquisition for the southern part of the road.
CM Revanth Reddy emphasized that the land acquisition process should be transparent and fair, especially for the farmers. He also instructed officials to provide weekly updates on the project to the Chief Secretary.
The Chief Minister highlighted the importance of ensuring that the road connects well with existing routes and supports future developments. This includes new industries that are planned for the Future City.
The northern section of the RRR, which covers areas from Sangareddy to Bhuvanagiri and Choutuppal, is almost complete. However, for the southern section—covering Choutuppal, Ameenpur, Shadnagar, and Sangareddy—the CM gave specific instructions on land acquisition and road alignment.
Revanth Reddy also asked officials to conduct field visits and prepare detailed reports. He mentioned that any technical issues should be discussed with the central government to ensure smooth progress.
The review meeting was attended by several key officials, including Roads and Buildings Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, Chief Minister’s Advisor Vem Narender Reddy, Nalgonda MP K. Raghaveer Reddy, Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari, and other senior officials.