A marathon took place in Hyderabad on Sunday, starting from Necklace Road and ending at Gachibowli. The event attracted many runners from different parts of the city. Hyderabad City Police Commissioner, Srinivas Reddy, officially started the race by waving the flag.
The marathon saw participation from people of all ages and fitness levels. Among the runners were professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and local residents. The main goal of the event was to encourage the people of Hyderabad to focus on health and fitness.
During the event, Commissioner Srinivas Reddy praised the participants for their enthusiasm. He emphasized how important such activities are for improving community health. “It’s great to see so many people come out to run and stay fit. Events like these bring the community together and promote a healthy lifestyle,” he said.
The marathon route passed through various parts of the city. Along the way, water stations and medical teams were set up to support the runners. The race concluded at Gachibowli, where participants celebrated their achievements with friends and family.
The event wasn’t just about fitness; it also brought people together, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.