On Saturday, an important meeting was held in Gadwal to discuss and gather suggestions for the Telangana Rights Record Draft Bill-2024. The event took place at the IDOC meeting hall and was attended by various officials including revenue officers, district officers, retired revenue officials, lawyers, farmer association leaders, and farmers.
During the meeting, the Tahsildar gave a detailed presentation on the new proposed Rights of Record (RoR) Act. He used a PowerPoint presentation to explain the differences between the current 2020 RoR Act and the proposed 2024 Act. District Collector B.Y.M. Santosh emphasized that the government is keen on improving the new revenue bill by incorporating suggestions from experts and intellectuals.
The Collector mentioned that the purpose of the discussion was to collect feedback from people who work directly in the field. This feedback will help in replacing the 2020 Act with the 2024 Act, aiming to create a better land records system for farmers. He encouraged everyone present to share any additional ideas or point out flaws in the draft bill. He assured them that their suggestions would be passed on to the government.
Revenue law expert and Dharani Committee member, M. Sunil Kumar, who was instrumental in drafting the bill, explained the key points of the proposed legislation. Throughout the discussion, participants brought up various issues, including land rights, mutations, challenges with the Dharani portal, and other relevant concerns. They also provided valuable suggestions and recommendations for the new bill.
The event saw participation from Additional Collectors Narsinga Rao and Srinivasulu Rao, RDO Ram Chander, AO Veera Badraiah, ZP CEO Kanthamma, public representatives Subhan, Tahsildars, district officials, senior citizens, intellectuals, farmer association members, educators, public representatives, retired revenue officers, and other staff.