On the birth anniversary of the late Dasarathi Rangacharya, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy paid heartfelt tributes to the prominent writer and hero of the Telangana armed struggle. The tribute took place at the Chief Minister’s official residence in Delhi. The event was attended by various public representatives and leaders, who joined the Chief Minister in offering floral tributes to Rangacharya’s portrait.
Dasarathi Rangacharya was widely celebrated for his active role in the Telangana armed struggle. He played a crucial role in advocating for the rights of the region. In addition to his activism, Rangacharya made significant contributions to Telugu literature, particularly through his writings that captured the socio-political conditions of his time.
Rangacharya’s efforts weren’t limited to his literary works. He is also known for his revolutionary achievement of translating the Vedas into Telugu. This work made ancient texts more accessible to a wider audience.
Chief Minister Revanth Reddy acknowledged Rangacharya’s exceptional contributions, highlighting his unique place in history. The tribute serves as a reminder of Rangacharya’s lasting impact on the cultural and historical landscape of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.