Chief Minister Revanth Reddy recently had a phone conversation with Union Home Minister Amit Shah. The discussion focused on the ongoing heavy rains and flooding in Telangana. CM Revanth Reddy shared detailed information about the current situation and the damage caused by the floods. He reassured the Home Minister that all necessary steps have been taken to prevent any loss of life.
In response, Amit Shah promised that the central government would provide immediate help to Telangana. He assured that support would be given to assist with the ongoing flood relief efforts.
During this period of heavy rains, the Chief Minister has been in constant contact with state-level officials and district collectors across the region. He is regularly reviewing the situation and has instructed authorities to stay alert to avoid any unforeseen incidents. CM Revanth Reddy also promised affected families that the state government is committed to providing them with the necessary support during these tough times.