The Hyderabad Development Authority (HYDRAA) has ramped up its efforts to demolish illegal constructions in different parts of the city. On Saturday, officials began tearing down unauthorized structures in Gaganpahad, located in the Rajendranagar constituency. These demolitions focused on the Appa Cheruvu Full Tank Level (FTL) area, where a plastic warehouse and other illegal buildings were removed.
Earlier, on Friday morning, HYDRAA personnel carried out demolitions in Manemma Gully, a part of Ramnagar. Here, they targeted buildings that were unlawfully occupying drains and roads. The operation was conducted under the watchful eye of a heavy police presence to maintain safety and order. Commissioner Ranganath oversaw the demolitions, ensuring that the illegal structures were quickly dismantled within 24 hours of his directive.
Following the orders from Commissioner Ranganath, town planning officials were instructed to create a detailed plan to address the encroachments. Subsequently, Hu Tahutina, along with town planning and revenue officials, visited the affected area to gather important information. Their investigation revealed that both a nala (drain) and a roadway had been blocked by illegal constructions, leading to the demolition efforts on Friday.
To carry out the demolitions, the team used heavy machinery like JCBs and gas cutters. These tools were essential in efficiently removing the encroachments and clearing the area of unauthorized structures.