In Hyderabad, there has been a strong reaction to comments made by KT Ramarao, the working president of BRS, regarding women who use the free RTC travel scheme. The Congress party expressed its outrage over what they consider “inappropriate” remarks. Minister Seethakka demanded an unconditional apology from Ramarao, while the Telangana Women’s Commission has taken notice of the situation.
Seethakka criticized KT Ramarao, questioning his upbringing and the discipline taught by his father, former Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. She was particularly concerned about why Ramarao seemed bothered by women doing chores while traveling on buses. She argued that his comments reflect the mindset of the BRS leader and questioned whether this behavior was what his father had taught him.
Nerella Sharada, the chairperson of the Telangana Women’s Commission, announced that the Commission has started an inquiry into the issue. This action is based on the authority granted by the TS Women’s Commission Act. Sharada noted that the comments have spread widely and are considered derogatory, causing distress among women in Telangana.
The Commission stated that the remarks are not only inappropriate but have also caused concern across the state, impacting the broader community of women. This has led to the initiation of a suo moto inquiry to address the issue.