Hyderabad: Actor Akkineni Nagarjuna has spoken out about the ongoing rumors surrounding the N-Convention project. In his official statement, Nagarjuna made it clear that the project is being developed on land that is legally documented, and there is no illegal occupation involved.
Nagarjuna explained that the land for the N-Convention was acquired through proper legal procedures. He mentioned that the land has been thoroughly checked, and no part of it has been unlawfully occupied. He specifically pointed to a court ruling from February 24, 2014, which confirmed that there was no encroachment on Tumidikunta lake, addressing a key concern that some people had raised.
The actor also noted that the legal status of the construction is currently being reviewed by the High Court. He assured the public that he is committed to following whatever decision the court makes once the review is complete.
Nagarjuna expressed his worries about the spread of misinformation and urged his fans and the public to rely on verified facts instead of believing in baseless rumors. He asked everyone to ignore any false or speculative claims that are being spread about the N-Convention project.
This statement by Nagarjuna is meant to clear up any confusion and misinformation about the project. He wants to reassure the public that the construction is legally sound and that he is committed to transparency and following the legal process.