A major drug bust took place recently in Hyderabad’s Rajendranagar area. The police conducted an operation where they seized 50 grams of MDMA and 25 grams of cocaine. This incident has raised concerns in the local community, drawing attention to the increasing drug problem in the city.
During the raid, the police arrested a Nigerian woman. However, four other suspects managed to escape and are currently on the run. The authorities are actively searching for them and are working hard to bring them to justice. The police are also investigating the extent of this drug network to determine if more people are involved.
The discovery of these drugs highlights the seriousness of the growing drug issue in Hyderabad, particularly in neighborhoods like Rajendranagar. The police have urged residents to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activities in their areas to help combat drug trafficking.
The arrested woman is now in police custody, where she is being questioned to gather more information about the drug operations. The police are determined to trace the source of the drugs and identify others who might be part of the network.
This incident has alarmed both the public and the authorities. The increasing presence of drugs in the city poses a serious threat to the safety and well-being of its residents. The police have assured the community that they are committed to stopping the spread of drugs and ensuring the city remains safe.
The drug bust in Rajendranagar serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in tackling drug-related crimes in Hyderabad. Continuous efforts are necessary to prevent these illegal activities from spreading to other parts of the city.