The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will hold a Nirudyoga March on April 15 in Warangal, demanding justice for the youth who appeared for the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) Group-I examination that was cancelled due to question paper leak. The rally will be led by BJP State president and Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay, starting at Kakatiya University X roads and ending at Ambedkar Statue in Hanumakonda. Warangal Urban Cooperative Bank chairman Errabelli Pradeep Rao spoke at a programme on Wednesday, motivating the youth to attend the rally and demanding the removal of IT, MA&UD Minister KT Rama Rao from the Cabinet, as well as compensation of Rs 1 lakh to each youth who appeared for the TSPSC examination. The BJP also demands an inquiry by a sitting High Court judge into the TSPSC paper leak fiasco. Pradeep Rao blamed Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao for the situation, alleging that the corrupt BRS regime has been playing with the lives of unemployed youth. He added that the BJP-led Central government has been handling recruitment examinations efficiently compared to the State. The rally will set the tone for the collapse of the KCR government, he said. Several youth forums and private teachers have extended their support to the Nirudyoga March.
BJP urges youth to protest against TSPSC paper leak
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