Hyderabad: The Cyberabad Special Operations Team (SOT) from Madhapur and the Raidurgam Police recently arrested three drug suppliers and five drug consumers in Gachibowli. The police seized 620 grams of heroin paste, two cars, and eight mobile phones. The total value of the recovered items is estimated to be Rs 4.65 crore.
The three arrested suppliers are Mangalaram Choudary, Ganesh Chowdary, and Dinesh Chowdary. All three are originally from Rajasthan and live in Hyderabad, with Mangalaram and Ganesh from Gatkesar and Dinesh from Sainikpuri. The main supplier, identified as Savar Jhat, also known as Sanvarlal, is from Rajasthan and is currently on the run.
The arrested consumers are Nithin Gurjar, Prakash Choudary, Jaivatram Vasnaram Dewasi, and two others named Prakash Choudary and Banaram Choudary.
According to the police, the three drug suppliers ordered the heroin paste from their contact, Savar Jhat. They paid him Rs 48,000 as part of the payment. Savar Jhat then traveled to Hyderabad in a car on August 7 and handed over the 620 grams of heroin paste to them.
The three suppliers planned to sell the heroin to potential buyers. They called two men, Ramesh Chandu and Suresh, from Rajasthan to assist them. They paid these men Rs 7,000 and arranged for them to stay at a hotel in ECIL.
The suppliers then took the heroin paste to a Gachibowli store owned by Prakash Choudary, intending to hide the drugs there. However, before they could proceed further, the SOT team and the police caught them and seized the 620 grams of heroin paste from their vehicle. Following their arrest, the police also apprehended the five drug consumers based on the suppliers’ confessions.
Upon hearing about the arrests, Ramesh Chandu and Suresh fled from the hotel where they were staying. The police are continuing their investigation to track down these two individuals, as well as the main supplier, Savar Jhat, who remains at large.