Hyderabad: The Chandanagar police crime team recently arrested three burglars and recovered valuable items from them. The recovered goods included 25 tolas of gold ornaments, 400 grams of silver, two motorcycles, and Rs 29,750 in cash. The total value of the seized items is estimated to be around Rs 25 lakh.
The arrested individuals are Darla Nehe Miya, also known as Nehemaiah Bruce Lee, a 27-year-old from Hubli in Karnataka, and Kurva Nagesh, a 25-year-old from Medchal. These two were responsible for 11 house break-ins. Additionally, two people who received the stolen property, Gimkalolu Souramma and MG Suresh, were also taken into custody.
The police action began after a complaint was filed on August 11 by Naidu Venkateshwara Rao, a resident of Chandanagar. According to the complaint, Naidu and his family left their house on August 10 to drop off his daughter at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. When they returned early the next morning, they found that their scooty had been stolen and their house had been broken into.
The police quickly registered a case and began an investigation. They collected CCTV footage from around the crime scene and other evidence, which helped them identify Darla as one of the suspects. A special crime team was then deployed, and Darla and Nagesh were apprehended while they were traveling on the stolen vehicle in Suraram.
During the interrogation, Darla admitted to being involved in 53 different cases, including 17 in Cyberabad, 12 in Hyderabad, six in Rachakonda, seven in Karnataka, nine in Andhra Pradesh, and two in GRP Secunderabad. Apart from the 11 recent house break-ins he confessed to, Darla has been arrested 10 times before and was released from jail on May 2. Since his release, he has committed 11 more offenses, and he has already been convicted in 13 cases.
The police have issued a warning to the public, advising people not to leave valuables like gold and cash at home when they plan to travel. They recommend keeping such items in safe lockers and ensuring that someone remains at home during emergencies to prevent break-ins. They also urged residents to inform local police in case of emergencies.