Former minister and MLA Harish Rao has strongly criticized a late-night incident in Siddipet. He claims that Congress supporters attacked the official residence of the local MLA on Friday night. Rao expressed his anger, calling the attack on government property “atrocious.”
Harish Rao alleged that the attackers broke the locks at the MLA’s residence, which he condemned as a serious threat to public safety. He raised concerns by asking, “If an MLA’s residence can be targeted so brazenly, what does that mean for the average citizen?”
Rao shared his concerns on Twitter, describing the incident as an alarming display of lawlessness. He pointed out that such acts of vandalism are undemocratic and raise serious concerns about public security.
He also criticized the police for not intervening to prevent the attack. Rao accused the police of siding with the attackers instead of protecting the property. He said the police presence during the destruction only emphasized the nature of Congress’s rule.
In response to the incident, Harish Rao called on the State Director General of Police (DGP) to take prompt and necessary action against those involved.