Chief Minister Revanth Reddy recently shared his ambitious vision for Telangana’s future economy. He aims to make Telangana a “One Trillion US Dollar Economy” in the next decade. This announcement was made during the inauguration of a new Cognizant campus at Kokapet in Hyderabad.
Revanth Reddy emphasized that Telangana is not just competing with neighboring states like Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka but with the world. He reassured that investments would continue to flow into Telangana, especially to Hyderabad, which is a top destination for global companies like Cognizant that offer numerous employment opportunities.
The Chief Minister outlined a detailed plan for developing a ‘Future City’ in Telangana. This vision includes three distinct zones. The first is the core urban area of Hyderabad. The second is a semi-urban area designated for manufacturing facilities. The third is rural Telangana, located outside the Regional Ring Road, which will be developed into the best villages in Asia, equipped with modern amenities.
To support this vision, an “Investor Task Force” will be set up. This group will regularly meet to attract more investments, aiming to transform Telangana into a trillion-dollar economy within ten years.
Revanth Reddy acknowledged that the groundwork for modern Hyderabad was laid by former Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu during the time of undivided Andhra Pradesh. The developments initiated by Naidu have been continued by subsequent governments.
During his recent visits to the US and South Korea, the Chief Minister highlighted that Telangana has already attracted record investments of Rs 31,500 crore. These investments are expected to create over 30,750 jobs, and more agreements are anticipated soon.