Hyderabad: Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka has announced a new job calendar for unemployed youth in the state. Speaking in the Assembly on Friday, Bhatti stated that this calendar would help young people know the examination dates in advance.
The minister recalled that the Congress had promised to fill vacancies once in power. He mentioned that unemployed youth had faced problems due to repeated cancellations of job notifications.
Youth preparing for competitive exams were discouraged by frequent question paper leaks. Bhatti said the Telangana Public Service Commission had improperly functioned during the BRS regime, leading to exam cancellations in March 2022 and February 2024 due to question paper leaks and not taking biometrics, respectively.
With the Congress now in power, the Chief Minister contacted the Union Public Service Commission Chairman to understand its functioning, leading to a revamp of the TGPSC. To streamline exams, two committees with senior IAS officers were sent to study the UPSC and Kerala PSC.
The minister also mentioned that the government had decided to cancel the old Group-1 notification, adding 60 more posts to a new notification for 563 vacant posts. For the preliminary exam, 3,02,172 youth attended, the exam was successful, and results were announced. The Mains will be held from October 21 to 27. He said 1,45,368 applied for Hostel Welfare Officer and 1,06,263 for Divisional Accounts Officer posts. So far, 32,410 successful candidates received appointment orders. Additionally, permission was given for 11,062 teacher posts under DSC. The government will recruit 435 Civil Assistant Surgeons and issue a notification for 45 Assistant Surgeons for the MNJ Cancer Hospital soon.
While the Deputy CM was speaking, BRS members, upset, walked into the well and demanded a chance to speak. The Speaker said it was not possible as rules do not permit such interventions until the Deputy CM completes his statement. The BRS members then walked out and staged a protest at Gun Park.