Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has instructed all government department officials to stay on high alert due to heavy rains across the state. He spoke with Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari and directed that officials from the Revenue, Municipal, Electricity, and Health Departments be on standby.
The Chief Minister emphasized the importance of taking all necessary precautions to prevent any accidents or emergencies. He specifically ordered officials to move people living in low-lying areas to relief camps immediately to ensure their safety.
In addition, the Chief Minister highlighted the need for extra caution because the gates of the reservoirs have been lifted. Officials have been asked to evacuate people in these vulnerable areas to safer locations as soon as possible.
Following the Chief Minister’s instructions, Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari and DGP Jitender held a teleconference with Collectors, SPs, Police Commissioners, Corporations, and Municipal Commissioners from all districts. These top officials were told to regularly review the situation on the ground and take the necessary actions to ensure public safety.