Prime Minister Narendra Modi will embark on a 36-hour journey through seven cities in two states and one union territory. He will attend eight formal events and travel a total of 5,300 kilometers. During his visit, he will unveil projects worth 25,000 crore rupees.
The Prime Minister will first travel from New Delhi to Madhya Pradesh. He will then travel to Rewa to take part in a National Panchayati Raj Day event. After this, he will likely travel back to Khajuraho before flying 1,700 km to Kochi in Kerala to attend the Yuvam Conclave.
On April 25, he will travel to Thiruvananthapuram to signal the Vande Bharat Express train’s departure. He will also dedicate the Kochi Water Metro, which will connect 10 islands near Kochi with the metropolis using battery-operated electric hybrid boats. He will lay the groundwork for several rail projects and dedicate the rail electrification of the Dindigul-Palani-Palakkad stretch.
In addition, at the Central Stadium in Thiruvananthapuram, PM Narendra Modi will lay the cornerstone and dedicate projects worth Rs 3,200 crore. On Tuesday, he is expected to travel from Kerala to the Union Territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman, traveling a total of 1,570 kilometers to reach Silvassa through Surat.