TSRTC Managing Director and senior IPS officer VC Sajjanar has urged actor Amitabh Bachchan and other celebrities to avoid collaborating with fraudulent companies, specifically naming Amway in a tweet posted on Friday morning. The tweet included an image of Bachchan in an Amway advertisement and stated that such companies “destroy the fiscal system of the country & well-knitted social fabric of the society.” Amway is an American-based company that markets health, beauty, and home care products. In April 2022, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) accused Amway of being a “multi-level marketing scam” whose main purpose is to get customers to sign up for get-rich schemes rather than selling products. The ED also alleged that Amway is running a pyramid scam and seized assets worth Rs 757 crore. Bachchan was named the brand ambassador for Amway in 2021 and endorses the Nutrilite range of products.
Sajjanar urges Amitabh Bachchan to avoid partnering with fraudulent companies in Hyderabad
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