Telangana is set to become a major center for sports, according to Chief Minister Revanth Reddy. He shared exciting plans for the state’s sports development at the end of the NDCC Hyderabad Marathon, held at the Gachibowli GMC Balayogi Stadium.
One of the key announcements made by Chief Minister Reddy was the establishment of a new Telangana Sports University. This university, which will begin its first academic year next year, will be supported by South Korea’s sports university. The goal is to develop and nurture young athletes in Telangana.
The Chief Minister also revealed Telangana’s ambitious goal of winning the most medals in the 2028 Olympics. Additionally, if India gets the opportunity to host the 2036 Olympics, the state is working to make Hyderabad a main venue for the games.
According to Chief Minister Reddy, previous governments did not focus enough on sports, which resulted in Hyderabad losing its top sports status. He emphasized that his government plans to restore this prestige by improving sports facilities and ensuring they meet Olympic standards.
In addition to these plans, the Chief Minister expressed interest in hosting the Khelo India Youth Games in Telangana. He also aims to make Hyderabad a key location for national sports events.
During the closing event of the Hyderabad Marathon, Chief Minister Reddy, along with Minister Duddilla Sreedhar Babu, awarded the winners and praised the event organizers and sponsors.
These steps highlight Telangana’s commitment to becoming a leading sports hub and achieving significant success in both national and international sports.