Tensions rose outside the Telangana Women Commission office when Minister K.T. Rama Rao (KTR) arrived for an investigation. The inquiry was related to inappropriate comments he allegedly made towards women. The Commission had earlier sent notices to KTR, which sparked concerns among various political groups.
KTR was accompanied by several leaders from the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) party. However, police allowed only KTR to enter the office alone. This decision further agitated the situation, leading to strong reactions from BRS women leaders. They began chanting slogans in support of KTR and against the Congress government.
In response, Congress women leaders shouted slogans targeting KTR. This led to a heated standoff between the two groups, causing tensions to escalate. Onlookers and authorities closely monitored the situation as both sides continued to clash.
While the investigation was ongoing inside the building, the scene outside highlighted the broader political conflict between the BRS and Congress parties in Telangana. The atmosphere remained tense as both parties rallied their supporters amidst the unfolding events.