Union Bank of India recently organized a large quiz competition called ‘U-Genius 3.0 National Level General Awareness Quiz’. This event took place in 48 cities across India, including Hyderabad. In Hyderabad, the quiz was held at Sevalal Banjara Bhavan Auditorium, located in Banjara Hills, on Saturday. Over 125 schools participated, with around 1,400 students from Classes VIII to XII taking part.
The event was inaugurated by Hyderabad Commissioner of Police, Kothakota Srinivas Reddy (IPS). He was joined by several notable figures, including Kare Bhaskara Rao, Chief General Manager and Zonal Head for Telangana State, and Arun Kumar, Deputy Zonal Head. Also present were Regional Heads, the Quiz Master Palak Kumar, and motivational speaker Pradeep Kondiparthi, among other dignitaries.
During the event, the Commissioner of Police addressed the young audience about the increasing problem of drug abuse among minors. He urged the students to stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect themselves.
In the quiz competition, the team from Bharti Vidya Bhawan emerged as the winner of the Hyderabad City Round. This team will now move on to compete in the Zonal Level round, which will be held in Vizag in September 2024. The winner of the Zonal round will then advance to the grand finale in Mumbai.
Union Bank of India has announced attractive prizes for the winners. The grand finale winner will receive a prize of Rs 2 lakh. The 1st runner-up will be awarded Rs 1 lakh, while the 2nd runner-up will receive Rs 50,000.