Hyderabad: The City police have arrested 36 people from Gujarat for their alleged involvement in cyber frauds across Hyderabad. The police managed to seize Rs 38.28 lakh in cash, gold ornaments, 64 mobile phones, over 100 SIM cards, credit and debit cards, cheque books, point of sale machines (swiping machines), and other items from these individuals.
According to Hyderabad Commissioner of Police, K Sreenivas Reddy, the arrested individuals were connected to around 1,000 cyber fraud cases registered across the country. Out of these, about 150 cases were reported in Telangana alone.
In Hyderabad specifically, these fraudsters were involved in 20 cases, including 11 related to investment fraud, 4 related to trading fraud, 4 related to FedEx fraud, and 1 case of KYC fraud. Commissioner Reddy also mentioned that the police have clues suggesting their involvement in 10 more cases, which are currently under investigation.
To tackle the growing number of complaints related to investment, trading, and FedEx frauds, the police formed a special team. This team conducted thorough investigations, leading to the arrest of the 36 individuals, all hailing from Gujarat.
In one particular case, the police arrested a man who worked with chartered accountants. This man, named K Nikhunj Kishore Bhai, helped the cyber fraudsters steal Rs 60 lakh from a retired person. He was assisted by his friend, Pravinbhai Kalubhai, and two others who are currently on the run.
In another case, the police arrested two men, Sagar Goradhanbhai Prajapati and Parmar Kirit Nathubhai, who had duped a woman out of Rs 1.60 crore using a FedEx fraud scheme. Two other individuals involved in this case are also absconding.