Hyderabad: Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, challenged the State government on Tuesday to release a detailed report, or “whitepaper,” on the farm loan waiver scheme. He criticized both the Congress and the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) for working together to distract people from the Congress’ failure to fulfill its six key promises.
Bandi Sanjay accused both parties of focusing on unnecessary controversies, such as debates over the installation of statues, instead of addressing real issues. He stated that if the BRS and Congress continue on this path, they will have no future in politics.
The minister claimed that the loan waiver scheme is misleading, stating that 70% of the promised loan waivers have not been fulfilled. He urged the State government to release a whitepaper with detailed information on the scheme. “If the government is sincere, it should provide details on how many farmers took loans, how much money was borrowed, and how much was actually cleared under the farm loan waiver,” he said. He questioned why farmers are still protesting if their loans were truly waived.
Bandi Sanjay also pointed out that the government has remained silent on its promises to support the unemployed. He criticized the Congress and BRS for avoiding these important issues by creating distractions, such as challenges and counter-challenges over the statue of Rajiv Gandhi. “Now is not the time to discuss statues. We should be discussing whether the Congress party has delivered on its six guarantees,” he emphasized.