Hyderabad: The City police on Friday reserved a situation versus Ramnaspur AIMIM corporator MohdQader as well as celebration employees for apparently challenging a road edge conference arranged by the BJP as well as producing problem at Mochi Colony on Thursday evening.
The BJP employees affirmed that the AIMIM celebration employees stopped them from holding a conference as well as assaulted them, causing light stress in the location. Senior police authorities hurried to the place with extra pressures as well as brought the circumstance in control throughout the evening.
The BJP workevrs hurried to the Kalapather police headquarters as well as organized a huge dharna when traveling onFriday They elevated mottos as well as required activity versus AIMIM regional celebration employees. Based on their problem, a situation under areas of the IPC as well as SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act was reserved as well as the instance is been explored.