Gadwal: On Thursday, Nagarkurnool MP Mallu Ravi visited Gadwal to distribute financial aid from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. He was accompanied by Saritha Tirupathiah, former Zilla Parishad Chairperson and Congress party’s in-charge for the Gadwal Constituency.
Several beneficiaries received cheques during this event. Among them, Sujata, the wife of Raghavendra, was awarded Rs 60,000. Lakshmi, married to Mallikarjun Reddy, received Rs 15,000.
Khaleel Ahmed, the son of Abdul Wahab, was granted Rs 35,000. Uppari Saraswathi, the wife of Rajasekhar, received Rs 7,000. Lastly, Aditya, the son of Mattayya, was given Rs 33,000.