Chief Minister Revanth Reddy celebrated Rakhi with children who had recovered from hearing loss, thanks to surgeries provided by the state government. The children, along with their families, visited the Secretariat to tie rakhis on the Chief Minister as a gesture of gratitude.
During the event, CM Revanth Reddy emphasized that no child in Telangana should go without necessary medical treatment, especially for hearing problems. He instructed officials to ensure that these children receive the care they need, regardless of the cost.
The families of the children expressed their heartfelt thanks to the Chief Minister for the free surgeries that had transformed their lives. Doctors from Koti ENT Hospital, including Superintendent Anand Acharya and Dr. DK Veena, were also in attendance at the event.
Since taking office, Revanth Reddy has prioritized the well-being of children with hearing issues. Numerous Cochlear Implant surgeries have been successfully conducted at Koti ENT Hospital in Hyderabad. The government is not only providing free surgeries and hearing aids but is also offering a year of special therapy to help these children improve their hearing and speaking abilities.