Hyderabad: Chief Minister Revanth Reddy attended the 20th-anniversary celebration of the Brahma Kumaris’ Shanti Sarovar. This event marked two decades of the organization’s work in promoting peace and spirituality.
During the celebration, the Chief Minister praised the Brahma Kumaris for their dedication to building a more harmonious community. The event featured spiritual programs and cultural performances, highlighting the importance of peace and unity.
The Chief Minister’s participation in the event emphasized the government’s support for positive initiatives that benefit society.
In addition to celebrating the anniversary, CM Revanth Reddy also launched a new community service project. This project aims to improve living conditions in local areas, focusing on sanitation, education, and healthcare, particularly in underserved communities.
The project will be implemented in phases, starting with the areas that need the most support. The Chief Minister encouraged people to get involved and work together to ensure the project’s success.