Hyderabad’s Chief Minister, Revanth Reddy, has made a firm commitment to remove illegal buildings around the city’s important lakes, such as Gandipet and Osman Sagar. These lakes are crucial for Hyderabad’s water supply, and the Chief Minister is concerned that some wealthy people have built farmhouses near these lakes. These individuals have illegally diverted their drainage systems into Gandipet, which poses a threat to the water quality.
Revanth Reddy has pledged to continue demolishing these illegal constructions. He mentioned that his actions are guided by the principles taught by Lord Krishna. The Chief Minister emphasized the government’s dedication to addressing the problem of illegal occupation of lakes and other public spaces.
The Chief Minister also highlighted that these demolitions are essential for the benefit of future generations and to safeguard Hyderabad’s natural resources. He assured the public that the government will not be influenced by any pressure or connections that the encroachers may have.
“We will take action against anyone who has illegally occupied our lakes, no matter how powerful they are,” stated CM Revanth Reddy. He added that the government’s efforts are solely focused on protecting public resources and are not driven by political motives.
CM Revanth Reddy remains determined to clear all illegal structures from the lakes, no matter the challenges or influences that might arise.