Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi has voiced strong criticism against the BJP’s plan to introduce a new bill. He believes that this bill specifically targets Waqf properties, which are properties designated for religious or charitable purposes in the Muslim community. According to Owaisi, the bill is part of a broader strategy by the BJP to disadvantage Muslims, similar to past actions against significant sites like Mecca Masjid.
Owaisi argues that there is no need for new ownership deeds for Waqf properties that have been established for many years. He finds it unreasonable to demand such documentation for well-known sites like Mecca Masjid, which have always been recognized as Waqf properties.
This issue highlights ongoing concerns about how religious properties are managed in India. Owaisi suggests that the bill could potentially reclassify these Waqf properties as government assets. He believes this would negatively impact the Muslim community.
As the bill progresses, it is expected to spark significant debate, reflecting larger discussions about the management and ownership of religious properties in the country.