Hyderabad: Chief Minister Revanth Reddy participated in a special event called the Rajiv Gandhi Civils Abhaya Hastham program. This program was organized to help students who are preparing for competitive exams, especially those aiming to become civil servants.
During the event, Chief Minister Reddy spoke about how important education is and why more young people should join public services. He emphasized that young people in public services can bring positive changes to society. He also mentioned that the government is committed to providing the resources and opportunities students need to reach their goals.
The Rajiv Gandhi Civils Abhaya Hastham program focuses on offering coaching and mentoring to students from various backgrounds. It is designed to help students, especially those from underprivileged communities, prepare for civil service exams. The program aims to create equal opportunities by giving these students access to quality education and resources.
Chief Minister Reddy also took the time to interact with the students. He encouraged them to work hard and remain focused on their dreams. He assured them that the government would continue to support programs that empower the youth and create opportunities for their growth and success.
The event was attended by many government officials, educators, and students. They all appreciated the Chief Minister’s efforts to promote education and equal opportunities for everyone. The program reflects the government’s dedication to nurturing a new generation of leaders who are committed to public service and social development.
The Rajiv Gandhi Civils Abhaya Hastham program is expected to make a big difference in the lives of many young people. It will help them realize their potential and contribute to the progress of the state and the country.