The Hyderabad City Police, along with the Bowenpally Police, conducted a joint operation and arrested one drug dealer and two of his associates. During the operation, they seized 8.5 kilograms of amphetamine, a Mahindra Xylo vehicle, and three mobile phones. The total value of the seized items is estimated to be around ₹8.5 crores.
The Bowenpally Police acted on reliable information provided by the Hyderabad Narcotics Enforcement Wing (HNEW). They successfully apprehended three suspects and confiscated the amphetamine, a Mahindra Xylo vehicle with registration number AP 28 DG 4545, and three mobile phones. The case has been registered under Cr.No.515/2024, and the suspects are being charged under various sections of the NDPS Act, 1985.
Details of the Drug Peddler:
– Name: Kunchala Nagaraju, also known as Nagraj
– Father’s Name: K. Venkateshwarlu
– Age: 34 years
– Residence: Gummadidala, Sangareddy District (Native of Bitragunta, Prakasham District)
Details of the Associates:
1. Name: Ashagouni Vinod Kumar Goud, also known as Vinod
– Father’s Name: A. Gnaneshwar Goud
– Age: 32 years
– Residence: Gummadidala, Sangareddy District
2. Name: Kunti Srishailam
– Father’s Name: Yadaiah Kurma
– Age: 42 years
– Residence: Dundigal, Medchal District
Details of the Drug Manufacturer:
– Name: Gosukonda Anji Reddy
– Residence: Gummadidala, Sangareddy District (Currently in judicial custody in Cr.No.118/2024)
Background of the Offenders:
Kunchala Nagaraju, the main accused, was born in Shapurnagar and raised in Bonthapally, Sangareddy District. After completing his schooling in 2005, he worked in the construction industry. In 2007, he began taking contracts for civil works. Over the years, he came into contact with a businessman named Gosukonda Anji Reddy, who was involved in drug manufacturing.
Nagaraju became close to Anji Reddy while working on construction projects for him. He eventually learned that Anji Reddy was selling drugs to toddy shops and other buyers. In June 2024, Anji Reddy gave Nagaraju three packets of drugs and asked him to hide them. Nagaraju later discovered that Anji Reddy had been arrested by the Gummadidala Police for his involvement in drug manufacturing.
Facing financial difficulties, Nagaraju, along with his associates Ashagouni Vinod Kumar Goud and Kunti Srishailam, planned to sell the drugs. On the evening of August 25, 2024, the three men were traveling in a Mahindra Xylo vehicle towards Hyderabad to sell the drugs. However, the Bowenpally Police, with the help of the HNEW team, intercepted them near Pillar No.44 on Dairy Farm Road and seized the amphetamine.
Modus Operandi:
The offenders, facing financial problems, planned to sell amphetamine in Hyderabad to make quick money. They were traveling in the Mahindra Xylo vehicle carrying 8.5 kilograms of the drug when they were caught by the police.
Seized Items:
1. 8.5 kilograms of Amphetamine
2. One Mahindra Xylo Vehicle (Registration No. AP 28 DG 4545)
3. Three Mobile Phones
Appeal to the Public:
The Hyderabad Narcotics Enforcement Wing (HNEW) is urging the public to avoid substance abuse and advises parents to monitor their children’s activities to prevent them from falling into the trap of drug addiction. Any information related to drug abuse can be reported to the HNEW team at mobile number 8712661601. Together, we can work towards a drug-free Hyderabad.
The arrests were made under the supervision of DCP Sri YVS Sudheendra and DCP Ms. Rashmi Perumal. The operation was executed by inspectors Sri K. Srinivas, Sri G.S. Daniel, SI C. Venkata Ramulu, and staff of HNEW, along with SHO Sri B. Lakshminarayana Reddy, SI Sri Shiva Shankar, and the Bowenpally Police team.