In Nagar Kurnool, grand celebrations were held to mark the 60th anniversary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). The district vice president, Venkateswara Sharma, led the event in Achampet by hoisting the flag at Om Chowrasta. During the ceremony, he extended his greetings to everyone on the foundation day and stressed the importance of working together for national unity.
Following this, the main celebration took place at the Saraswati Sishu Mandir school. The event was filled with joy as children dressed as little Krishna and Gopikas performed dances and folk plays. These performances not only entertained the audience but also celebrated the spirit of Sri Krishna Janmashtami.
The event was attended by several prominent individuals, including VHP honorary president Dr. Bandham Ball Narayana, president Venugopal, and district president Sudhakarayya. Other notable attendees included regional Samarasata leader Damodar Shetty, secretary Kamalekar Nageshwar Rao, and vice presidents Kota Bhaskar and Mahesh Chari.
Leaders from the Bajrang Dal, such as Shivachandra, and Matru Shakti division leader Hemalatha were also present. Additionally, local dignitaries, school staff, and other key figures like Sailila, Niranjan, Singotam, Veerabomma Lakshmi Narasimhaswamy, Pramod Prasad, Srinivasulu, Venkatesh, Katta Prabhakar Reddy, and Pandurangam joined the celebrations, making it a memorable occasion for all.