The Hyderabad City Police have released important guidelines for the upcoming Ganesh festival. The festival will start on September 7, 2024, and end with the immersion of idols on September 17, 2024. The guidelines are aimed at ensuring the festival is celebrated safely and smoothly.
If you plan to place a Ganesh idol in a public space, you must first submit an online form and get written permission from the police. Each idol installation needs its own clearance, and you can find the form on the Hyderabad City Police’s website.
Organizers must also get a “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) from the landowner, whether the land is private or government property. The locations chosen for idol installations should not block traffic or disturb public order.
Using unauthorized electricity connections at pandals (temporary structures for the idol) is strictly forbidden. Organizers need to secure an official electricity connection and include the certificate with their online form. Additionally, only two box-type loudspeakers are allowed, and they must not be used from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM to keep noise levels under control.
To manage crowds and ensure safety, organizers must appoint volunteers with proper identification. These volunteers will also be responsible for overseeing fire safety measures at the pandals.
The deadline to submit the necessary forms is September 6, 2024. Before the festival starts, local police stations will meet with organizers to finalize the arrangements and issue the required clearances.
Local leaders, social workers, and residents are asked to cooperate with the police to maintain order during the festival. However, the guidelines do not apply to idols placed inside private homes that are not open to the public.
Organizers must stick to the approved routes and timings for the immersion processions as specified in their police clearance. For any questions or further help, organizers can contact their local police stations or reach out directly to the Hyderabad City Police.
These rules are meant to ensure that the Ganesh festival is celebrated peacefully and safely across the city.