Gadwal: The District Collector, BM Santosh, has instructed officials to take quick action on applications from the public. These instructions were given during the ‘Prajavani’ program held on Monday at the IDOC meeting hall.
During the event, the District Collector received several grievances from the public. He stressed the importance of addressing these applications as soon as possible to resolve issues in the district. He told the officials to review the applications quickly and resolve them if they have the authority to do so. If not, they should guide the applicants on what steps to take next.
A total of 35 complaints were received during the Prajavani program. The District Collector emphasized that these applications should not be left pending and must be resolved promptly.
The event was attended by several officials, including Additional Collector Narsing Rao, Special Deputy Collector Srinivasa Rao, RDO Ram Chander, and other district officials from various departments.