In Gadwal, a large rally featuring the national flag took place as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations. This event was led by Rajasekhar Sharma, the State Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM), at Alampur Chowrasta. Students and young people joined the rally with great enthusiasm, singing patriotic songs.
BJP District President Ramachandra Reddy attended as the chief guest. During his speech, he praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for strengthening India’s economy and defense system. Reddy mentioned that Modi is working hard to make India a global leader, or “Vishwaguru.”
He also pointed out that India has improved its position among developed nations, moving from 11th to 5th place due to Modi’s leadership over the past decade. Reddy highlighted India’s achievements in defense, housing, employment, and infrastructure, contrasting them with the struggles of other countries. He encouraged everyone to celebrate 75 years of India’s independence by proudly displaying the national flag at home.
The event was attended by several notable individuals, including district representative Rajagopal, Undavalli BJP Mandal President Pidugu Venkatesh, Undavalli BJYM President Venkatesh Goud, and General Secretary Vishweshwar Rao. Other attendees included District Executive Members Nageshwar Reddy and Gurnath Reddy, party leaders, and participants from Vishwashanti Educational Institutions, such as students, teachers, and active workers.