On Monday morning, a special event took place at the Aiza Tahsildar office in Jogulamba Gadwal District. Alampur MLA Vijayudu was present to give out Kalyana Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak cheques to beneficiaries from the Beni Fisheries community. These cheques provide financial support to newlyweds. The event was attended by the Municipal Chairman, MRO, and other notable public representatives.
The Kalyana Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak schemes were introduced by the Telangana state government to help economically disadvantaged families with marriage expenses for their daughters. The event in Aiza showed the government’s ongoing effort to support marginalized communities.
An official statement revealed that a total of 300 cheques were distributed in Ieeja Mandal, Jogulamba Gadwal District. The breakdown is as follows:
– Scheduled Castes (SC): 72 cheques, totaling ₹72,08,352
– Scheduled Tribes (ST): 1 cheque
– Backward Classes (BC): 187 cheques, totaling ₹1,87,21,692
– Other Castes (OC): 4 cheques, totaling ₹4,00,464
– Shaadi Mubarak (SM): 36 cheques, totaling ₹36,04,176
Overall, the financial aid given out amounted to ₹3,00,34,800.
During his speech, MLA Vijayudu highlighted the importance of these schemes in providing crucial financial support to families during significant life events. He commended the Telangana government for ensuring that the benefits reach deserving people promptly.
The event was attended by local officials, community leaders, and many beneficiaries. Those who received the aid, especially from the SC, BC, and SM categories, expressed their gratitude and mentioned how the financial help would ease their marriage expenses.
The program ended with a vote of thanks from the Municipal Chairman, who promised that the local administration would continue to meet the needs of the people in the area.