On the fourth Saturday of the Krodhinama year, during the auspicious month of Sravana under the Pushyami Nakshatra, special rituals were performed at the Alarmelmanga Sametha Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Palem village, located in Bijnapally Mandal.
The temple’s head priest, Koravi Ramanujacharyulu, shared that the Satyanarayana Swami Vratams were conducted with deep devotion following Vedic traditions. These rituals are believed to bring moksha (salvation) and bestow all eight forms of prosperity, known as Ashtaishwaryas.
The ceremonies were carried out by skilled Brahmin scholars who chanted Vedic mantras throughout the event. A group of female devotees also participated by performing the traditional Kumkumarchana with great devotion. After the rituals, the temple distributed teertha prasadam, or holy offerings, to the assembled devotees.
Temple Executive Officer C.H. Rangarao mentioned that every Saturday, the temple provides free food offerings, known as annaprasadam, through the Balaji Annaprasadam Trust. The event saw active participation from temple priests Koravi Jayant Kumar, Chakrapani, and Aravindu, as well as temple staff members R. Shiva Kumar and Babayya. Many devotees, including women from various regions, also took part in the event.