In Hyderabad, outpatient medical services and elective procedures stopped on Saturday at both private and government hospitals in Telangana. This happened as doctors continued their strike in response to the recent rape and murder of a trainee doctor at a hospital in Kolkata.
The strike was part of a nationwide protest where doctors refused to provide their regular services. Despite the strike, emergency and casualty services at both government and private health care facilities continued to operate as usual.
Many major hospitals, including Yashoda Hospitals, Apollo Hospitals, Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital, Star Hospitals, KIMS-Sunshine Hospitals, AIG Hospitals, and smaller clinics and nursing homes, joined the protest. These hospitals canceled their outpatient services and postponed elective surgeries from 6 am on Saturday to 6 am on Sunday.
In addition to doctors, senior residents, medical students, staff nurses, and non-clinical personnel from the health department also took part in the protests at various government teaching hospitals.
Health workers at major government teaching hospitals like Gandhi Hospital, NIMS, Osmania General Hospital, Niloufer Hospital, Chest Hospital, District Hospital in Koti, and Maternity Hospitals in Petlaburj and Sultan Bazaar also participated in the dharna (protest). They demanded justice for the family of the victim.