The Jos Alukkas Group, based in Kerala, opened a new showroom in Hanumakonda’s Nakkalagutta area on Saturday. The store’s inauguration was a grand event, attended by actress Keerthy Suresh, MLA Naini Rajender Reddy, and Mayor Gundu Sudharani. Many people gathered outside the showroom, eager to catch a glimpse of Keerthy Suresh, known for her role in the movie “Mahanati.”
Jos Alukkas Managing Director, Varghese Alukka, spoke to the media during the event. He shared that the new store offers a wide variety of jewelry, including pieces made from platinum, gold, and silver. The jewelry is BIS Hallmark-certified, ensuring quality, and comes with an exchange facility.
Varghese Alukka also mentioned that customers who purchase gold worth Rs 60,000 will receive a gold coin as a special offer. He expressed happiness about opening a store in Warangal, a city that is rapidly growing. He emphasized that the 22-carat gold jewelry available at the store meets international standards.